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Much more than an agency

CHIC Immobilier is much more than a simple real estate agency. We will put at your disposal our network in the Principality and internationally as well as our knowledge of local administrations, institutions and establishments.


Tailor-made services

Each client has specific expectations. We offer you assistance in taking up residence, opening a bank account, acquiring a vehicle and subscribing to various subscriptions. Your move will be successful and carried out with complete peace of mind.

A team available and reachable

To accompany you throughout your project is an imperative. CHIC Immobilier places the human aspect at the heart of its relations. Our advisors will be at your side at every stage of your project.

Would you like more information ?

Our team is at your disposal to help you with your move and to guide you through all the steps you need to take to settle in with peace of mind.

Contact us for an appointment !

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